The Lomnica Gallery

“I believe that above all it is necessary to create with love. In my opinion, art and love are the only means we have at our disposal to reshape this world.” Mária Medvecká

V dnešnom uponáhľanom svete by sme Vám radi dopriali malé zastavenie a možno aj jedinečnú chvíľu na zamyslenie.

The First Lady is breathing again

At the very beginning, the idea was to create a gallery under the noble Lomnický Peak. It was this idea that brought us to a shabby, but still beautiful, Art Nouveau-style, half-timbered building with exceptional architecture. The loneliness and desolation of the place did not discourage us, on the contrary. The building left a deep impression on us, which began to transform from disparate thoughts through more specific ideas to a concept with clear contours.

The genesis of thought processes eventually created a unique and beautiful project – a gallery and a hotel in one. After all, Hotel Lomnica was for many years a place where art lived and where its nobility was soaked up by artists, visitors and residents of the surrounding area. We want to provide you with experiences interwoven with art even today.

Hotel Lomnica, the First Lady of the Tatras, breathes life and art again, also thanks to the unique Lomnica Gallery, which exposition can be found not only in Tatranská Lomnica, but also in the Pálffy Manor House in Svätý Jur.

Exposition Hotel Lomnica

In the hotel you will find gallery works by painters from the Austro-Hungarian Empire (at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries), the first Czechoslovak Republic, as well as works by Slovak authors of post-war modernism.

The historical part of the hotel hides works from the turn of the century, which are signed by the authors such as Ladislav Medňanský, Dominik Skutecký, Martin Benka, Janko Alexy, Miloš Alexander Bazovský, Gustáv Mallý, Ján Hála, Imrich Weiner-Kráľ and others.

In the new part of the hotel building, you will be enchanted by the gallery works of Milana Laluha, Mária Medvecká, Ferdinand Hložník, Vincent Hložník, Vladimír Kompánek and other authors.

Permanent exhibitions within the hotel premises always complement the current exhibitions in the Large and Small Hall of the Lomnica Gallery. Exhibitions dedicated to specific authors, such as the Orava Story in Painting – author’s exhibition dedicated to Mária Medvecká or The Hall in Lomnica  – author’s exhibition dedicated to Ján Hál, alternate thematically oriented expositions of several authors.

The Pálffy Manor House exposition

As with the Lomnica Hotel, we were enchanted by the unique atmosphere in Svätý Jur, which was dormant in an abandoned Renaissance manor house. In addition to the place itself, the world of art came to life with the renovation of the Palffy Manor House in its premises. It was thanks to the historical context that the idea came to combine the manor house with the exhibition of works capturing the personalities and history of the Habsburg monarchy.

The walls of the manor house hide many artistic treasures of European painting from the 16th- the 19th century, which depict key figures of the Habsburg family. In the exhibition you will find works by important European court portraitists such as Martin van Meytens, Frans van Stampart, Carl Caspar, Franz Schrotzberg, Gyula Benczúr and others. The collection of portrait paintings is complemented by works depicting significant historical events of a predominantly military nature by authors such as August Querfurt, Georg Philipp Rugendas, Jan van Huchtenburgh či Jacobsz (Jan) van der Stoffe.

We wish you an exceptional artistic experience!

Visit us

Tatranská Lomnica

Hotel Lomnica
Tatranská Lomnica 92
059 60 Vysoké Tatry

Svätý Jur

Kaštieľ Pálffy
Prostredná 49
900 21 Svätý Jur