Lászlo Neogrády
László Neogrády was born on 2nd April 1896 in Budapest, and died on 27th August 1962 also in Budapest. He was a son of a well-known and successful painter, Antal Neogrády, a professor of watercolour painting. He studied fine arts at the School of Applied Arts in Budapest (professor Edo Ballo). In 1922, he had a premier exhibition in the Mücsárnok gallery in Budapest. He stood out as naturalistic portraitist and simultaneously as an extraordinarily prolific landscapist and a rural-genre vitalist. He predominantly focused on the flashy sides of painting enabled by the possibilities offered by sunshine and the painter’s spontaneous execution. Bibliography: Zádor, A., Genton, I.: Müvészeti Lexikon. Budapest 1967, zv. III. s. 507.