Ladislav Berecz was born 1910 in Košice, and died in 1972 at an unknown location. He worked as an author of sacral paintings in the towns of Galanta, Poprad, Bratislava and Košice. In his leisure time, he mainly worked with the Tatra themes, genre painting, images from the life of Romani population and Slovak shepherds as well as more demanding symbolistic and allegoric compositions. Although being self-taught, one can see that he mastered several procedures and formal achievements of post-impressionist painting. It mainly concerns the hypertrophic ornamental arabesque in his colours and dramatizing light effects. Bibliography: Ondrušeková, A.: Obraz Tatier. Katalóg Tatranskej galérie. Poprad 2000; Súpis pamiatok na Slovensku. Bratislava 1969, zv. III., s. 527.