Ladislav Záborský

Ladislav Z á b o r s k ý was born on 22nd January 1921 in Tisovec. He studied at the grammar school in Banská Bystrica and later at the Department of Drawing and Painting at the Slovak Technical College (SVŠT) in Bratislava, under professors Mudroch, Mallý and Benka. Later, Záborský worked as a professor of drawing and descriptive geometry in the grammar school in the town of Martin. In 1953-57 he was sentenced and imprisoned for religious activities. In 1968-69, he stayed and studied in France. Afterwards, he lived and worked in Martin. His exhibition activity began in 1943 and his jubilee exposition was held in Martin, in the autumn of 1991. During the decades after his internment, Záborský created multiple monumental executions in sacral architecture (particularly stained-glass and stations of the cross). Ladislav Záborský consistently works with the key element of pictorial composition, that is light (in his work it is particularly and primarily the Light ), that brings colours to life. This luminary principle and colourful composition reduced to two basic tones – golden ochre and blue – define his whole spiritually concentrated work as a painter. Bibliography: Malysová, J. : Majster a Kolégium. Kolégium Antona Neuwirtha, BA 2016. Krivošík, L.: Medzi vierou a umením. Aktuality. sk. 02.01.2017