Sibylla G r e i n e r o v á was born on 27th September 1919 in Banská Bystrica and died in Bratislava in 2008. After graduating secondary school in Bratislava, she studied at the Department of Drawing and Painting of the Slovak Technical College in 1940 – 1943 in Bratislava (professors Benka, Schurmann, Mudroch). She graduated the University of Fine Arts in Budapest in 1944 (professor Szönyi). In her work, she followed up on the traditions of folklore-oriented Slovak painting, conservative painting of Hála, Polkoráb, Kováčik, Ondreička, Kern and others. Her pieces of art are typical for capturing movement, that is why Sibylla Greinerová is sometimes nicknamed the hunter of motion. Bibliography: Goldbergerová, A. Sibylla Greinerová – Albumy. Bratislava: Tatran, 1979.