Ernest Zmeták was born on 12th January 1919 in Nove Zámky and died on 13th May 2004 in Bratislava. In 1938, he studied at the private school of K. Harmos in Komárno and in 1938 – 1943 he attended the University of Fine Arts in Budapest (professor Aba-Novák, professor Kontuly). In 1943, he briefly studied at the legendary Department of Drawing and Painting at the Slovak Technical College in Bratislava and two years later he became the member of The Group of 29th August an association of fine artists. Later, in 1946 he stayed and studied in Paris and next year also in Italy. During his teaching at the University of Fine Arts in Bratislava (1949 – 1952) he worked as an assistant to Ľ. Fulla. He was awarded with the prize for graphics at the Venice Biennale in 1958. In 1980, a stable exposition of art from 16th -20th century was opened in the gallery of the town of Nove Zámky, comprising three collections that E. Zmeták together with his wife D. Zmetáková dedicated to the gallery. In his creative process, Zmeták was attracted by the full colours and richness of Italian countryside, which allowed for spatial rhythmicity of shapes and volumes as well as rhythmic structuring of the surface – all combined, these aspects added dynamics to Zmeták’s paintings. The author leaned on the achievements of constructive approaches while intentionally using simplified morphology and transparent composition. In all his work, Zmeták followed fixed forms of pictorial construction. Another important phenomenon of Zmeták’s painting is his treatment of light, which softens the rigidity and cold logic of his pictorial construction. Zmeták’s specific contributions should be perceived mainly in this polarity between the stability of angular and square shapes and sensual softness of his modelling with light. Bibliography: Güntherová-Mayerová, A.: Ernest Zmeták. Kresby a drevorezy. Bratislava 1949; Saučin, L.: Ernest Zmeták. Bratislava 1970; Gazdík, I.: Ernest Zmeták. Bratislava 1979; Gazdík, I.: Ernest Zmeták. Bratislava 1987.